Nieuw telefoonnummer - Reisverslag uit Phnom-Penh, Cambodja van Bas Boonstoppel - Nieuw telefoonnummer - Reisverslag uit Phnom-Penh, Cambodja van Bas Boonstoppel -

Nieuw telefoonnummer

Door: Bas

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Bas

11 December 2007 | Cambodja, Phnom-Penh

Dag mensen,

Ik ben afgelopen weekend mijn telefoon verloren, heb inmiddels een nieuwe aangeschaft met het volgende nieuwe nummer:

+855 (0) 92531936.


  • 11 December 2007 - 19:03

    Hessel & Marcia:

    Echt jammer dat je de sneeuwpret niet met ons kan mee maken...
    Was altijd wel lachen als je een mooie sprong wilde maken en dat die dan meestal niet goed ging!!!
    Bas, hier alles goed, beetje last van de decemberdrukte maar straks lekker even relaxen. En jij, krijg je al een beetje een kerstgevoel??

    Hele dikke knuffel ut Snits

  • 12 December 2007 - 12:21

    Nicole In China:

    He bas we bellen!!
    Als het goed is loopt mijn baas nu bij jullie af te kijken hoe goed het gaat, kon helaas niet mee, ik moet werken..
    Maar over twee weken gaat deze babe naar China's surfers paradijs, Sanya beach, letterlijk en figuurlijk opwarmen...
    Het is zoooo koud hier....

    He geniet zie dit als kerstkaart want ik kan geen internationale post versturen vanuit het dorp waar ik woon.
    Liefs Nic-in-china**

  • 14 December 2007 - 20:21


    Hallo Bas,
    De kerst komt eraan en zal voor jou dit jaar heel anders zijn als de andere jaren. Ben benieuwd hoe je dat gaat beleven. Hoe is het met je nieuwe woning. Zit je daar al in. Ik begreep uit de berichten dat de foto s van de woning op deze site, van een tijdelijke woning zijn.

    Met plezier lees ik je berichten,dus schrijf maar iets vaker.

    Liefs Lucille en natuurlijk Bart en Robert die ook vol verwondering meekijken.

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Verslag uit: Cambodja, Phnom-Penh


Dear friends, family, ex colleagues and new ones!!

Welcome to this site. New stories, reports, pictures and even video's of my work and private life (until a certain level) in Cambodia will be uploaded on this site. Messages, reactions by readers can be uploaded too. I will be more than happy to read them...

My departure for Cambodia comes closer everyday by now. September the 5th will be the day that I'm leaving Holland. As for now, I've finished my motorbike lessons, some training weekends, passed an extensive medical test (no epo was found ;)

After my arrival, I will attend courses (mainly the Cambodian langugage called Khmer) and will probably meet a lot of people together with the team of new arrivals. My employer in Cambodia will be the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. I will be working on a district level as an educational adviser in a rough region of Cambodia. The district is called Rattanakiri (google the pics), not far from the border with Vietnam. From what I have seen so far it is an absolute scenic nature with hills, jungle, wild life and white water.

As for the internet and many other things, there are still a lot of questions to be answered how my life will change the next month. But with the questions comes that fantatic sensation of adventure. And with the uncertainty of not knowing what is out there in my daily life, comes the space to be able to make independent choices. I'm motivated to do this work as it is an opportunity to add a bit of human dignity to a world in which there is much more to share than I have done for the last years of my life. I'm looking more than forward to share professional knowledge and experience with a country that is still structurally suffering from a devastating regime of the past. Cambodia is trying to develop itself towards a country with a social and economic dignity. I'm looking foward to share, but will probably learn much more than I can share with the population out there.

I will try to keep everyone who is interested up to date. I do prefer to email personally but it might be a bit difficult to have decent acces to internet connection in Cambodia.

Please don't hesitate to write and to share whatever you feel like sharing. I will appreciate that.


Recente Reisverslagen:

17 Januari 2009


12 November 2008

Ouders, feest en water festival

25 Oktober 2008

Droge tijden..

06 September 2008

Celebrate life.

13 Juni 2008


Dear friends, family, ex colleagues and new ones!! Welcome to this site. New stories, reports, pictures and even video's of my work and private life (until a certain level) in Cambodia will be uploaded on this site. Messages, reactions by readers can be uploaded too. I will be more than happy to read them... My departure for Cambodia comes closer everyday by now. September the 5th will be the day that I'm leaving Holland. As for now, I've finished my motorbike lessons, some training weekends, passed an extensive medical test (no epo was found ;) After my arrival, I will attend courses (mainly the Cambodian langugage called Khmer) and will probably meet a lot of people together with the team of new arrivals. My employer in Cambodia will be the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. I will be working on a district level as an educational adviser in a rough region of Cambodia. The district is called Rattanakiri (google the pics), not far from the border with Vietnam. From what I have seen so far it is an absolute scenic nature with hills, jungle, wild life and white water. As for the internet and many other things, there are still a lot of questions to be answered how my life will change the next month. But with the questions comes that fantatic sensation of adventure. And with the uncertainty of not knowing what is out there in my daily life, comes the space to be able to make independent choices. I'm motivated to do this work as it is an opportunity to add a bit of human dignity to a world in which there is much more to share than I have done for the last years of my life. I'm looking more than forward to share professional knowledge and experience with a country that is still structurally suffering from a devastating regime of the past. Cambodia is trying to develop itself towards a country with a social and economic dignity. I'm looking foward to share, but will probably learn much more than I can share with the population out there. I will try to keep everyone who is interested up to date. I do prefer to email personally but it might be a bit difficult to have decent acces to internet connection in Cambodia. Please don't hesitate to write and to share whatever you feel like sharing. I will appreciate that. Bas.

Actief sinds 21 Dec. 2006
Verslag gelezen: 199
Totaal aantal bezoekers 70759

Voorgaande reizen:

02 Mei 2009 - 31 Maart 2010

Oost Timor

05 September 2007 - 01 Mei 2009


Landen bezocht: